Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here's My Suggestion

Government costs are too high and getting higher.  And politicos on both sides of the aisle say they're from cutting costs except for what they believe is necessary.  Given that, our annointed, elected "represetatives" will never bring government spending under control. Never.

OK, so here's a solution - come January 1, 2011, every (and I mean EVERY) government salaried and hourly worker at EVERY level - federal, state, and local - is fired. No exceptions.  Immediately, every open job (namely, every government job) is offered at 10% less the previous salary or hourly rate - and those who held these positions are given first crack at being re-hired.  If they elect to not do so, the job becomes open.

Sounds drastic but consider the benefits - it's completely FAIR.  Everyone is treated equally.  It immediately CUTS COST.  And our over-priced government starts down the road that all families and all businesses have had to accept for years - namely, living within diminshed means.  Lastly, it takes the politicos out of the loop - no "Favorites" supported or singled out for less pain.